
Dealing with Anxiety and Uncertainty

March 13th, 2020

All of are feeling some level of anxiety amid the recent developments of COVID-19. Our communities of work, home, family and neighborhood are dispersing for an unknown time. Groups that we depend on for our social, spiritual and entertainment are being cancelled, and the and world seems suddenly topsy-turvy.

Below are five things to focus on as we uphold our social and emotional health.

Get outdoors every day. Take a walk around the neighborhood or use the river path walkways. You can meet and converse with others in the fresh air. Make a mental or written note of what you see to reflect on or share.

Maintain boundaries on news coverage. Find reputable sites and make a deal with yourself as to how much you choose to expose yourself to on a daily basis.

Create a practice of gratitude. Share with another friend or family member three things you are truly grateful for on a daily basis.

Guard against isolation. We can stay in touch with each other with video chats, texting and phone calls. Choose one or two people to focus on staying in touch with for the next four weeks. You might make a new friend!

Ask yourself daily, “how can I be of help?” Knowing you have a specific job to lighten another’s load will help ease anxiety.

This is an opportunity to pull together as a team to protect our vulnerable populations. Who knows but maybe we learn brand new ways to work together and come out stronger.

