

Head Start of Lane County will comply with the Oregon Department of Education Child and Adult Care Food Program requirement that a parent or guardian complete and sign the CACFP Child Enrollment form for all children participating in the CACFP Program.


  1. A completed CACFP Child Enrollment form is required for every enrolled child in a site and model served CACFP meals (this does not include sites that are served NSL by a school district or EHS home-base enrollees).
  2. Enrollment staff will work with families to complete the CACFP Enrollment form.
  3. The Enrollment Staff will use the CACFP tab located in Child Plus under the Enrollment section. Select “Add CACFP Child Enrollment Form” to open form. Please note the “to be completed by parent/guardian only” section. Enrollment Staff may help guide parents or guardians while they
    fill out the form. Specific guidance may be needed for Part Day PM forms which receive a Lunch and PM Breakfast.
  4. If physical/paper enrollment is required, Enrollment Staff will print current CACFP Child Enrollment Form for parent or guardian to fill out. Enrollment Staff will scan and upload form in Child Plus under Enrollment Attachments.
  5. If electronic enrollment procedures become necessary, Enrollment staff will send SignEasy templates of the form to families for information and signature. Enrollment staff should include in their message: please fill out form and then sign. Once the Enrollment staff receives the signed document, it will be uploaded in Child Plus under Enrollment Attachments.
  6. CACFP Child Enrollment forms will be completed prior to the child’s attendance in a classroom and no later than the last day of the month in which that child started attending.
  7. Head Start of Lane County will not claim meals for CACFP reimbursement without a completed CACFP Child Enrollment form on file.
  8. The date the center can claim meal reimbursement for a child is the first day of the month in which the CACFP Child Enrollment form was signed by the parent or legal guardian.
  9. At a minimum, a completed enrollment form must include the child’s first and last name, days and hours normally in care, meals normally received while in care, and parent or legal guardian signature and date.
  10. CACFP Enrollment forms must be completed annually. Forms are active through the last day of the month in which it was signed twelve months later
  11. Routine child schedule changes during the year do not require an updated Child Enrollment form.
  12. During October, Regional Assistants (RA) will use the One Month Enrollment Roster (OMER)
    excel located in Office 365 to track forms. No additional information or revisions are needed after October 31st.
  13. RAs can use report 2377 in Child Plus to copy/paste information from the form into the OMER. If paper or SignEasy forms were uploaded into Child Plus then dates would need to be gathered by opening each form. Attachments can be monitored using report 2132. Confirm CACFP is checked and the date range is correct.
  14. The OMER includes the OMER# (which is generated by the Child Plus form. If a paper or SignEasy form was uploaded, use the Child’s CP ID#), the child’s last and first name, the date the form was signed, the date the child enrolled in services, and the transfer or drop date of any child.
  15. The Food Service Manager will monitor and review OMER report for the October CACFP meal claim to ensure no meals are claimed without a completed or active form.
  16. Enrollment forms must be maintained on file by Head Start of Lane County for three years beyond the current fiscal year.

This policy complies with Head Start Performance Standard 45 CFR Section1304.23 .

Policy Council approved August 14, 2007. March 2023

Updated June 2009. November 2009. February 2023

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