
Early Head Start staff are responsible for facilitating the transition process from Early Head Start into Head Start or other high quality programs and support services. A smooth transition is important to ensure each child continues to receive enriching early child development services and each family continues to receive the support services necessary to promote healthy family development.

To ensure the most appropriate placement and services following participation in Early Head Start, transition planning must take place for each child and family at least six months prior to the child’s third birthday. Head Start Performance Standards 1304.41(c)(2)

The process must take into account; the child’s health status and developmental level, progress made by the child and family while in Early Head Start, current and changing family circumstances, and the availability of Head Start and other child development services in the community.


EHS Staff initiates the transition planning by completing the Transition Packet. Considerations: The Performance Standards cite that the transition planning should begin 6 months prior to the child's 3rd birthday. Since children and families often experience transitions from one program option to another throughout their participation in Early Head Start, transition planning can begin even earlier and be an ongoing process that is integrated into the family plans. Documentation of the ongoing process is vital.

NOTE: The child does not automatically qualify for a preschool Head Start program. The family's income must be redetermined before enrollment into preschool Head Start.

  1. The Teacher/ CCC specialist initiates the transition process at least 6 months prior to each child's 3rd birthday for each child on their case load.


  2. The Teacher/CCC specialist completes the Transition Packet Checklist, pg. 1.

    1. Throughout the transition planning it is important to maintain partnership with the family. The Family Transition Plan, pg.2, will be completed in partnership with parents and any other service providers involved with the child and/or parents, including health care providers, DHS, Early Childhood CARES, mental health providers.

      1. If HSOLC is one of the options the family is considering, income eligibility must be redetermined to qualify for Head Start. EHS staff submits completed Transition Packet to EHS Director/Manager. Regional Assistant will submit child information to ERSEA department.

    2. EHS staff completes the Transition Summary Form, pg.3. The Transition Summary Form is written for the child's new site/ teacher to facilitate his/ her transition. It details the child's previous classroom information, some family information, other agencies the family is working with, notes on the child's development, and helpful behavior management strategies.


  3. EHS staff sends completed Transition Packet to EHS Director/Manager for approval.


  4. EHS Director/Manager sends approved Transition Packet to Regional Assistant.


  5. Regional Assistant: 1) Makes a copy of the Transition Packet; 2) sends original copy of Transition Packet back to EHS staff; 3) sends 1 copy of Transition packet to EHS Specialist; 4) send a copy of Family Transition Plan, pg.2, to ERSEA Manager.


  6. EHS staff files completed Transition Packet in the child's hard file.

    Note: Transition planning can be an ongoing process. EHS staff will need to update Transition Packet of changes.


  7. Update WebCAF within seven days of the child's last day of attendance.


  8. Arrange a good bye day for the child in the current classroom.


  9. As appropriate, a child may remain in Early Head Start, following their third birthday, for additional months until he or she can transition into Head Start or another program.


This meets Performance Standards, Title 45, Code of Federal Regulations: 1304.41(c)(1), 1304:41(C)(2), 1305.7(c)

Approved by Policy Council October 2012

2012. Head Start of Lane County