Even the sun couldn’t miss out shining on the crew who had gathered at a residence in the River Road Area to fill 150 garden containers with soil for our Garden Kits to families.
Although the morning began with rain, the sun came out and our spirits were lifted as were the shovels that held the best garden soil available and then lovingly dumped into containers lined with leaves to help with drainage. Add a sprinkle of lime to ensure a proper ph balance  and voila! a perfect home for a future lettuce, radish or carrot seed is made.
What happened next? Staff put together food boxes, education packets and garden kits for drivers to deliver to interested families. It is a coordinated effort to bring all the players together to make this possible for families, not just once, but until we have exhausted our avenues to prepare for, respond  to, and recover from COVID-19.

Thanks to FSC Joan, FSC Jen , Karla, Nikki Bravo and her family, FSC Becca, and FSC  Al and Willy and their trucks, Marika for donating baby tomato plants, Patrick, Jorjie, Kerry, Jean, Val, the bus drivers,  and more names than I know….and a special thank you to Spencer of the River Road Community Organization!

Chava Kronen, M. S.
Family Support Coordinator