

The Board of Directors will guide and oversee all policies which are set for the program in accordance with Head Start Act 641(c)(1-xi)
General responsibilities include:

  1. Ultimate responsible for legal and fiscal activities of the organization.
  2. Responsible for establishing priorities for the organization, developing and evaluating programs and determining appropriate policies.
  3. Responsible for hiring, firing, and evaluating the Executive Director, Human Resources Director, Finance Director.
  4. Ensure that procedures for program planning are in place.
  5. Ensure that that all funding applications and amendments are submitted to HHS.
  6. Establishing criteria for recruitment, selection and enrollment of children.
  7. Approving the composition of the Policy Council and the procedures by which members are chosen.
  8. Approving the Policy Council bylaws.
  9. Ensuring that procedures are in place for the hiring and firing of Head Start staff.
  10. Ensuring reimbursement for Policy Council member’s expenses is available.
  11. Determining Head Start employment policies and periodic changes.
  12. Ensuring that during the annual self assessment that the program is carrying out the programmatic and fiscal intent of its grant application, including review of the annual audit and findings from the Federal monitor review.
  13. Ensuring that there are written policies that define the roles and responsibilities of the governing body members and to inform them of the management procedures and functions necessary to implement a high quality program.
  14. Ensuring that there are procedures for the implementation of shared decision making.
  15. Ensuring that there are written procedures for resolving internal disputes, including impasse procedures, between the governing body and policy group.
  16. Ensuring that appropriate internal controls are in place and implemented to safeguard federal funds.
  17. Ensuring that an annual audit is conducted.

Operating responsibilities include:

  1. Establish and maintain procedures for hearing and working to resolve community complaints about the program.

The Board of Directors must approve or disapprove:

  1. Procedures for program planning.
  2. The program’s philosophy, long and short range program goals and objectives, including the annual self-assessment results and Grant Recipient improvement plan
  3. Center locations.
  4. Funding applications and amendments.
  5. The number and members of all policy groups and the methods for recruiting and selection.
  6. Written policies that define the roles and responsibilities of the governing body members and that inform them of the management procedures and functions necessary to implement a high quality program.
  7. Procedures for shared decision making.
  8. Procedures for resolving internal disputes.
  9. Personnel policies and periodic changes to them.
  10. The hiring and firing of the Executive Director, Human Resources Director, Finance Director

If no approval is obtained from the Board of Directors, a proposal cannot be adopted, and the proposed action cannot be taken until agreement is reached between the parties.

This policy complies with Head Start Performance Standard 1304.50
It was approved by Policy Council on April 24, 2001
Board of Directors approved November 17, 2009
Updated January 17, 2001. February 20, 2001. April 2009. September 2024

© 1995-2024. Head Start of Lane County. All rights reserved.

Reviewed: December 2020. September 2024