

As part of the Family Engagement process HSOLC will promote shared responsibility with parents/caregivers for children’s early learning and development, and will implement family engagement strategies that foster parental confidence and skills.  


Each Region or site will hold two Family Activity Events at the regional or site level each program year.  

The first event will be the Parent/Caregiver Group Orientation held in the fall for each site or region. Individual or small group orientations will take place for families that enroll after September. See Parent/Cargiever Orientation policy: link here (coming soon).  

The second event will respond to parent interest (often obtained from Parent Interest Survey) and will be held at a date/time selected by the regional leadership staff.


  1. The Regional Manager or their designee will secure a location for the event, arrange for childcare and meal/snack (if necessary), and ensure appropriate staffing. The Family Support Coordinator will provide support by inviting families, developing content that is compliant with event and/or orientation policies and aligns with parent interests, and documenting attendance. Other regional staff will provide support as appropriate.
    1. Staff may utilize the event planning form: 
  2. Best attempts to provide translation/interpretation will be made when there is a family need to support English comprehension 
  3. The event/activity will be at a time that is most convenient for the majority of the families being served.  
  4. All families will receive notification of the time, date, and location of the event  at least 5 days in advance whenever possible.
  5. Attendance will be taken and documented by the Family Support Coordinator in Child Plus via Express Entry.
  6. In addition to regional/site Activity Events, all parents/caregivers will have an opportunity to participate in a program wide research based parenting curriculum. 
    1. The Make Parenting a Pleasure parent group will be offered at least once a program year.
    2. All parent/caregivers will be provided access to the Ready Rosie parenting resource within the first 30 days of enrollment.
    3. Parent/Caregivers will also be referred to community parenting education opportunities as appropriate. For example Circle of Security, Triple P, etc.  

This policy complies with Head Start Performance Standard 45CFR 1302.50, 1302.51 (a), (1),(b) 1302.34 (b), (4)

CREATED: 08/2023

Policy Council approved: 08/2023