

HSOLC will allocate food costs to charge only CACFP enrolled participant child meals. Formula for calculation will be created and reviewed weekly with invoice entry. 


  1. The Food service Coordinator (FoodSC) will review the non-reimbursable meals entered in the production records using the par amount per HS classroom. The cost of amount per HS classroom will be multiplied by the total number of HS classroom meals produced. 
  2. Teacher meals to be used for role modeling in the classroom will be charged to CACFP as an allowable cost. Teacher meals are recorded in the Child Plus App under non-CACFP meals. Non-program meals (for example- adult family members, siblings, etc) will be given designated days to be invited to participate and eat with the classroom. The FoodSC will calculate a percentage of meals produced for non-program meals to be included in the non-reimbursed meal costs. 
  3. The FoodSC will enter this non-reimbursed meal cost in Microix when entering grocery, dairy, bakery, and produce invoices using the “Adult Food” distribution code not charged to CACFP fund. The remaining total for CACFP enrolled meals will use the “Child Food” distribution code to be charged to CACFP funds. 
  4. The FoodSC will enter full invoice to be charged to CACFP for special dietary items which are only purchased for CACFP enrolled children 
  5. The Food Service Manager (FSM) will review the percentage during the invoice approval process.

This policy complies with CACFP rules and regulations

It was approved by Policy Council on: April 2024


REVIEWED: March 2024